Applying prevention science to policy and practice around the world
Professional Development
Applied Prevention Science International developed the Foundations of Prevention Science and Practice Curriculum* to offer professional and continuing education through a variety of online, face-to-face, and blended programming that are designed to meet the needs of the prevention practice community. Comprehensive curricula and individual courses, present the latest research-based interventions and policies that have been shown to be effective in preventing the onset and progression of problem behaviors such as substance use—especially in children and adolescents. These evidence-based prevention practices are among the best tested and reliable interventions and policies that are now available. These promise the most success when implemented skillfully by trained prevention professionals.
APSI collaborates with sponsors to design educational strategies to fit the needs of their teams and stakeholders. These include combinations of online and face-to-face sessions on knowledge, skills, and competency development. Our goals are to help participants master evidence-based prevention and succeed in bringing these effective prevention interventions and strategies to reality in the community.
Click here for detailed information about the Foundations Curriculum
*This Curriculum includes content from various sources, including the Universal Prevention Curriculum Series, developed by APSI with funding from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, U.S. Department of State; the International Standards on Drug Use Prevention, developed by the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime in 2013, and updated in 2018 with the World Health Organization; and the European Drug Prevention Quality Standards, developed by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction in 2011 and with a quick guide published in 2013. Specific sources from organizations and the academic literature are cited throughout the text.